Delivering a Fresh Messaging Strategy

Communication StrategyDesignBrand StrategyContent Creation


Yes, Shipt uses groundbreaking technology to revolutionize the way we get our groceries. But what they’re really delivering is the most precious asset of all: more time with the ones we love. Turns out, that’s worth $550 million.

Initially, Shipt positioned themselves as a straightforward grocery delivery service. While that positioning was accurate, it was also quite literal and did not emotionally connect with their consumers. When we reviewed feedback and talked with existing Shipt users, we found that what they really loved was the feeling of getting time back in their day that would have otherwise been spent shopping for groceries.

We solved this by taking their messaging beyond the delivery service itself and focusing on how Shipt gives customers the gift of time, creating opportunities for people to do the things they love.

Our execution was the message “You ___________. We’ll get the groceries.” Our target audience filled in that blank with the things that matter to them, letting them imagine all of the enjoyable things they could be doing with the time they could get back from using Shipt.

Not only did this message resonate with the Shipt target audience, but it also shifted their internal mission as a company and was used to boost employees’ morale. Shipt was no longer just delivering groceries to people; they were giving people moments of their life back and helping them create memories they would otherwise never have been able to have. While this insight and shift in messaging was just one small piece in the Shipt story, we certainly shared in a sense of pride when Shipt was acquired by Target for $550 million just two years later in 2017.

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